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Our ministries provide opportunities to build strong relationships with people who are at a similar life point.

Men of Honour Fellowship

This is the men’s fellowship. The building of the society begins with the building of the man. Here, we deal with issues as it relates to men. If the society is going to be any better off, the men must take their place and have their say. At home, on the job, on the streets, we have a light to shine, a message to give. This fellowship is headed by a body of executives that runs per tenure. Men’s fellowship meets every Second Thursday of the month by 6pm.

Father’s Jewel

Tmore shall ‘Eve eat the fruit’! Godly women, all through history have been known to champion the causes of great achievements and raised godly men. We can’t have a balanced society without the input of godly women. Beyond the charm and beauty, there’s character and grace which the world so badly needs. This fellowship is headed by a body of executives that runs per tenure. Women’s fellowship meets every Second Thursday of the month by 6pm.

Ladies and Gents Fellowship

This is the singles’ fellowship. The Tglory of the young man is his strength. There’s so much strength and energy to be harnessed and channeled aright here. David conquered Goliath as a young man. It doesn’t matter what giant confronts any society today, a well brought up youth can bring it down. Let’s keep   burning. This fellowship is headed by a body of executives that runs per tenure.